How To Get Started

Free Remote or On-Site Consultation

Schedule a free, 1-hour consultation with us. We’ll talk about the challenges you face, what led you to this point, and help give you an outline of our process and how it could be applied to your unique situation. Whether you’re looking to reduce overtime, increase throughput, or consistently meet quarterly earnings, we’d love to learn more about you and your business. We can also conduct a free on-site consultation as well to ensure we are a good fit.

Onsite Needs Analysis

We’ll spend time with you and your team onsite, seeking to understand the management, systems, and workforce in-depth. An analysis of frontline operating conditions will be completed, identifying opportunities for improvement. Assessments with each level of management will inform specialized Coaching and Mentoring. Finally, we’ll present a review of our findings to the executive team alongside a proposal explaining financial commitments, schedule of events, and your guaranteed Return on Investment.

Business Process Optimization

Our consultants will work with management in the development of and execution of process improvements, ranging from simple observations to a full Kaizen event, applying concepts such as the common lean processes or other less known problem solving processes. Typically, we’ll also include a strategic review in the middle of our engagement, once we’ve been able to differentiate issues in strategic planning from execution.

Workforce Workshops & Seminars

Based on the results of our group and individual assessments, we’ll conduct a number of training seminars for the workforce and management alike. Leadership and Management Seminars will also be conducted in a group setting to ensure consistent training and improved communication

Specialized Coaching & Mentoring

Consultants will be on-site full time, working with every level of management and interacting with support areas as required (such as Finance, Human Resources, etc.). During their daily interactions, our consultants will work with leaders and managers to understand and overcome business challenges, supporting and empowering them in professional and personal development.


Consultants will partner with the team to drive towards the expected ROI every day, with a Weekly Executive Review session to track progress. If the results aren’t there, you pay nothing more until things are back on track. If you choose to end the engagement, all money not meeting the expected ROI will be returned. Following the successful engagement, we make sure it sticks – granting access to your consultant for up to 2 years with monthly on-site visits and open remote communication.