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Business is People-Powered

Improve business systems and workforce engagement.

Business is People-Powered.

Improve business systems and workforce engagement.

Business is People-Powered.

Improve business systems and workforce engagement.

0 Million
Average Annual Cash Flow Savings
Guaranteed ROI
Average Productivity Increase

Our consultants have served leaders from hundreds of businesses, including…

The A&A Guarantee

At A&A Business Consulting, we focus on both the people and the systems that power your business. Our unique approach helps you profitably implement sustainable and lasting productivity improvements and increase workforce engagement. In fact, we’re so confident that our approach works, we guarantee a minimum 4:1 Return on Investment and include a leadership coaching capacity long after the project is complete so you can lead with confidence, knowing your legacy will last.

What We Do

Skills Diagnostics + DISC Assessments

Understanding the unique mix of personalities among your co-workers, managers, and employees can lay the groundwork for fulfilling relationships, productive teams and greater personal and professional success.

Management Culture + Behavioral Assessments

Our consultants cut right into the heart of an issue, spending a full day in the life of the supervisor, manager or executive to best understand and quantify the precise barriers to increased productivity and a thriving management culture.

Business Process Analysis

We’ll help you untangle even the most complicated processes, finding solutions to complex problems. Getting outside perspective may just be the difference between getting it right the first time, and a failed experiment. In fact, our proven method is so effective, we guarantee results.


Our Management OS helps you profitably implement sustainable change and improve corporate culture. Instead of each supervisor managing silos, you’ll have transactional discipline, 2-way communication, and better accountability at all levels of your organization.

Business Process Optimization

From simple observations all the way through arduous activities like Kaizen Events, we’ll help you break down the issues in just about any process, discover its’ root cause, and solve it once and for all.

2 Year Coaching + Mentoring

We’ll help you empower your leaders to delegate, manage time, set goals and expectations, and resolve conflict efficiently.

What We Do

Skills Diagnostics + DISC Assessments

Understanding the unique mix of personalities among your co-workers, managers, and employees can lay the groundwork for fulfilling relationships, productive teams and greater personal and professional success.

Management Culture + Behavioral Assessments

Our consultants cut right into the heart of an issue, spending a full day in the life of the supervisor, manager or executive to best understand and quantify the precise barriers to increased productivity and a thriving management culture.

Business Process Analysis

We’ll help you untangle even the most complicated processes, finding solutions to complex problems. Getting outside perspective may just be the difference between getting it right the first time, and a failed experiment. In fact, our proven method is so effective, we guarantee results.


Our Management OS helps you profitably implement sustainable change and improve corporate culture. Instead of each supervisor managing silos, you’ll have transactional discipline, 2-way communication, and better accountability at all levels of your organization.

Business Process Optimization

From simple observations all the way through arduous activities like Kaizen Events, we’ll help you break down the issues in just about any process, discover its’ root cause, and solve it once and for all.

Coaching + Mentoring

We’ll help you empower your leaders to delegate, manage time, set goals and expectations, and resolve conflict efficiently.


Auto Parts Manufacturer

  • 4.5X ROI
  • 23% increase in productivity
  • Over $17M in annual savings

Pump Manufacturer

  • 25.5% increase in productivity
  • 16.5% decrease in overtime hours
  • ROI in just 6 weeks

Managing Your Business During COVID-19 & Beyond

We’ve entered a new era in the workforce.  As businesses have found themselves thrust into a challenging new world, many have scrambled to cope with the new realities COVID-19 has introduced. As we adjust to this new normal, we also need to prepare for the permanent changes that will impact how people work, live and play. Whether or not you were considering “going remote” for some, or all, of your team, the genie is out of the bottle now. There may be no turning back—this is no experiment.  Success [...]

Will Improving Productivity Hurt Company Morale?

The water cooler.  The break room. Those sacred places in the company where employees congregate to catch up on the latest news, share information, and build enough stamina to get through the day. Necessary...or a waste of time? When I consult with companies around the world, we often have to address the culprits of lost productivity. This means we look at time wasted in idle conversations, extraneous breaks, and irrelevant interruptions.  Yet some managers worry: “Will eliminating all this wasted time kill morale? Without the water cooler, what do [...]

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