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19 06, 2020

Terminating Toxicity

2020-07-06T21:18:13+00:00By |

Firing an established leader in your organization is no small task. Not only do you have to deal with the discomfort of terminating someone, you’re often faced with a mountain of work as you have to hire and train their replacement as well as ensure the rest of their work gets done. However, as I’ve studied interpersonal dynamics in countless companies, it’s become clear to me that in the long run, keeping a toxic leader will cost you much more than replacing them. If you’re not sure how to identify toxicity within your company, I’d encourage you to read my [...]

5 06, 2020

Toxic Management in the Workplace

2020-07-06T21:24:22+00:00By |

When I mention the words “difficult manager” to my clients, many of them nod knowingly. Unhealthy work behaviors are fairly common, but many companies don’t know how to fix the problems once they’ve begun — or worse, decide to buckle down and deal with them long-term because that person contributes meaningfully to the company’s bottom line. It may seem as though your difficult manager is indispensable, but I’d argue that’s almost never the case. In fact, they might be harming your business far more than they’re helping it succeed.  IDENTIFYING DAMAGING BEHAVIOR It’s important to keep a close watch on [...]

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